The Dream Spot: the Pointe de La Torche
La Torche Surf School is located on the most popular surf spot in Brittany, La Torche, which owes its reputation to the quality and frequency of its waves, as well as its ideal configuration for surfing. Easy to access, the beach break located north of the point offers long waves, surfable on all types of supports.
The beach of Tronoën, a northern extension of the spot of the Torch, offers more accentuated sandbanks, which has the effect of making the waves more hollow and more defined. The Bay of Pors Carn, located south of the Pointe de la Torche, also offers more powerful conditions on its northern part, and a reduced wave size as we get closer to its southern part, allowing all practitioners to find conditions adapted to their expectations.
This multitude of options allows instructors to adapt the place of practice at the group level and thus optimize the effectiveness of the teaching provided.